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Dobro dosli na stranicu posvecenu ljubiteljima domacih filmova i serija sa podrucja Ex-Yu! - U svakom slucaju moras i supruga da dokazes da si veca baraba od njih. Naša je želja napraviti veliku bazu kvalitetnih igrica svih vrsta, a posebno igrica crtanih filmova.

Dobro dosli na stranicu posvecenu ljubiteljima domacih filmova i serija sa podrucja Ex-Yu! Domaci filmovi online za besplatno gledanje na internetu, samo Ex-YU filmovi i serije za besplatno gledanje online, tj. Trenutno na njoj mozete pogledati vise od 600 biranih domacih filmova i 150 serija sa ukupno vise od 10000 epizoda, a taj broj, naravno, nije konacan...! Na zalost, jedan manji dio sadrzaja, zbog objektivnih razloga, nije uvijek u funkciji. Do bilo kojeg sadrzaja na stranici dolazimo lakocom putem gornjeg izbornika gdje su svi filmovi i serije poredani po abecedi, dok kompletan popis cjelokupnog sadrzaja mozete pronaci. Ukoliko zelite nase filmove gledati na android uredjajima - pametnim telefonima, tabletima - VAŽNO UPUTSTVO ZA GLEDANJE NEKIH FILMOVA Neki filmovi na ovoj stranici sastoje se od vise dijelova koji se automatski ucitavaju jedan za drugim, pa tako nemojte da vas zbuni ako vidite da neki film traje npr. Medjutim svakim danom takvih je sadrzaja sve manje pa se vjerojatno i necete susretati sa istima. Najcesce je problem u vasoj internet vezi ili istovremeno isti film gleda jako puno korisnika. Takodjer ne zaboravite da u trenutku dok gledate filmove pogasite sve programe koji koriste vasu internet vezu ako ih imate, kao npr. BitTorrent, Limewire, neka online igra i sl. Svi domaci filmovi i serije na ovoj stranici su besplatni, te vam nije potrebna nikakva registracija. Za gledanje svih filmova potrebno je jedino imati instaliran i brzu internet vezu. Internet preglednik je preporucljiv posto vec ima u sebi ugradjen flash Player i ne morate ga naknadno instalirati. Napominjemo takodjer da sve sadrzaje mozete gledati i na vasim pametnim telefonima, tabletima i ostalim android i mac OS mobilnim uredjajima. Nadam se da sam uspio u namjeri da napravim preglednu stranicu na kojoj se mozete lako snalaziti i na kojoj osim sto mozete pogledati ogroman broj filmova, isto tako mozete pronaci uz svaki film i seriju osnovne podatke o istom, kako o sadrzaju tako i glavnim ulogama, reziseru, zemlji proizvodnje i itd. Zbog svega toga stranica se moze koristiti osim za samo gledanje i u informativne i edukativne svrhe. Što se tice autorskih prava, svi domaci filmovi, kao i domace serije koje mozete gledati na ovoj stranici su dostupni na javnim video streaming stranicama kao sto su Youtube, Daillymotion, Googlevideo i dr. Prema tome, ukoliko smatrate da polazete autorsko pravo na neki od tih video sadrzaja molimo vas da se obratite Websajtu na kojemu se doticni video nalazi. Na nasem serveru halobing. I na kraju jos samo isprika zbog prevelike kolicine reklama, ali na zalost kako bi sajt ostao besplatan bez njih se ne moze, medjutim vjerujem da ste se vec navikli zivjeti s njima :-. Vas urednik, Brat Bing.

Nadam se da će djelovati na Vas. Pobrao mnogo nagrada i stekao svetsku slavu u vreme 1970-ih godina, dok je nekadašanja Jugoslavija imala dobru školu strip crtača i dobre studije za crtane filmove. Kroz njihova putovanja, upoznaj životne sredine ž... Nas sajt je potpuno siguran za decu! Za sada funkcionise, za dalje ne znam.

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Crkveni kalendar 2016

Katolički kalendar

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Kog datuma je Uskrs ove godine? Svjetski dan misija - Misijska nedjelja 1 U SVI SVETI 2 S Dušni dan 3 Č Martin iz Porresa, Silvija, Berard, Ida 4 P Karlo Boromejski, Dragutin, Drago, Dragica 5 S Srijemski mučenici, Elizabeta, Emerik 6 N 32. Prestupne su bile sledeće godine: 45. Katolički kalendar Katolička crkva, odnosno Rimokatolička crkva je najveća hrišćanska crkvena zajednica na svetu, a takođe i jedna od najstarijih crkvenih institucija.

KROZ GODINU, Euzebije, Ervin, Većeslav 30 P Bazilije, Emilija, Anastazije 31 U POHOD BDM, Petronila, Silvija 1 S Justin, Mladen, Liberije, Slobodan 2 Č Marcelin i Petar, Erazmo, Eugen 3 P PRESVETO SRCE ISUSOVO, Karlo Lwanga i dr. KROZ GODINU, Stanislav Kostka, Mitar, Ivan Trogirski 14 P Nikola Tavelić, Nikolina, Nikoleta 15 U Albert Veliki, Albertina, Sidonija 16 S Margareta Škotska, Gertruda, Gera 17 Č Elizabeta Ugarska, Alfej i Zakej 18 P Posveta bazilike sv. Jul i avgust Јuliјe Cezar prvobitno јe odredio da svi neparni meseci imaјu po 31 dan, a parni po 30, osim februara koјi јe u prostoј godini imao 29 dana, a 30 u prestupnoј.

Katolički kalendar - П 23 10 Светих 45 мученика из Никопоља; Преподобни Антоније Печерски У 24 11 Света великомученица Ефимија; Блажена Олга С 25 12 Свети мученик Прокло и Иларије; Икона Пресвете Богородице Тројеручице Ч 26 13 Сабор светог архангела Гаврила П 27 14 Свети апостол Акила; Преподобни Никодим С 28 15 Свети мученици Кирик и Јулита; Свети Владимир Велики, кнез руски Н 29 16 Свештеномученик Антиноген; Света мученица Јулија Недеља 10. PO BOŽIĆU 4 P Anđela Folinjska, Emanuel, Borislava 5 U Gaudencije, Radoslav, Miljenka 6 S BOGOJAVLJENJE - TRI KRALJA 7 Č Rajmund, Lucijan, Krispin, Zorislav 8 P Severin, Teofil, Bogoljub, Apolinar 9 S Hadrijan, Honorat, Julijan, Živko 10 N KRŠTENJE GOSPODINOVO 11 P Teodozije, Časlav 12 U Ernest, Tatjana, Bernard 13 S Hilarije, Remigije, Radovan, Veronika 14 Č Feliks, Srećko, Rajko, Makrina 15 P Pavao Pustinjak, Mavro, Anastazija 16 S Marcel, Oton, Mislav 17 N 2.

PO BOŽIĆU 4 P Anđela Folinjska, Emanuel, Borislava 5 U Gaudencije, Radoslav, Miljenka 6 S BOGOJAVLJENJE - TRI KRALJA 7 Č Rajmund, Lucijan, Krispin, Zorislav 8 P Severin, Teofil, Bogoljub, Apolinar 9 S Hadrijan, Honorat, Julijan, Živko 10 N KRŠTENJE GOSPODINOVO 11 P Teodozije, Časlav 12 U Ernest, Tatjana, Bernard 13 S Hilarije, Remigije, Radovan, Veronika 14 Č Feliks, Srećko, Rajko, Makrina 15 P Pavao Pustinjak, Mavro, Anastazija 16 S Marcel, Oton, Mislav 17 N 2. KROZ GODINU, Antun opat, Ante, Lucije, Lavoslav 18 P Priska, Margareta Ugarska 19 U Mario, Ljiljana, Marta, Makrije 20 S Fabijan, Fabijana, Sebastijan 21 Č Agneza, Janja, Neža, Epifanije 22 P Vinko đakon, Vinka, Irena R. KROZ GODINU, Franjo Saleški, Bogoslav 25 P OBRAĆENJE SV. PAVLA, Ananija, Henrik 26 U Timotej i Tit 27 S Anđela Merici, Anđelka, Julijan, Vital 28 Č Toma Akvinski, Tomislav, Tomo, Leonid 29 P Valerije, Konstancije, Zdeslav, Akvilin 30 S Martina, Tina, Hijacinta, Gordana, Darinka 31 N 4. KROZ GODINU, Ivan Bosco, Marcela, Viktor, Klaudije 1. Svjetski dan mira 6. Dan djela svetog Djetinjstva 18. Molitvena osmina za jedinstvo kršćana 1 P Brigita, Gita, Miroslav, Sever 2 U PRIKAZANJE GOSPODINOVO - SVIJEĆNICA 3 S Blaž, Vlaho, Tripun, Tripo, Oskar 4 Č Maria de Mattias, Eutih, Diodor, Gilbert 5 P Agata, Dobrila, Modest, Jagoda 6 S Pavao Miki i dr. KROZ GODINU, Maksim, Julijana, Rikard, Držislav 8 P Jeronim, Jerko, Jozefina, Mladen 9 U Skolastika, Apolonija, Sabin, Sabina 10 S Pepelnica, Alojzije Stepinac, Lojzika, Vjekoslav post i nemrs 11 Č BDM Lurdska, Marija, Mirjana 12 P Eulalija, Melecije, Zvonimir, Zvonka 13 S Katarina Ricci, Kristina, Božidara 14 N 1. PETRA, Petar, Izabela, Tvrtko 23 U Polikarp, Romana, Grozdan 24 S Montan, Goran, Modest, Sinerot 25 Č Nestorije, Cezarije, Hrvoje, Donat, Berislav 26 P Aleksandar, Aleksa, Viktor, Robert 27 S Gabrijel Žalosne Gospe, Donat Zadarski 28 N 3. P Osfald, Ida, Hilarije 1. Dan posvećenog života 10. Petra apostola Mostarsko-duvanjska i Trebinjsko-mrkanska biskupija 11. Nedjelja solidarnosti u BiH 1 U Feliks, Albin, David, Hadrijan 2 S Iskra, Ines, Čedomil, Lucije 3 Č Marin, Marinko, Ticijan, Kamilo 4 P Kazimir, Eugen, Natko 5 S Teofil, Lucije I. USKRSNA, - Nedjelja Božjeg Milosrđa 4 P BLAGOVIJEST, Marijana, Marijan, Maja 5 U Vinko Fererski, Irena, Kresencija 6 S Irenej, Petar Ver. USKRSNA, Mihovil, Magdalena, Bonifacije 11 P Stanislav, Stanko, Stanislava, Filip, Izak 12 U Sofija, Julije I. USKRSNA, Šimun, Inocent, Robert 18 P Euzebije, Anastazije, Romano 19 U Marta, Leon, Berta 20 S Anicet, Sulpicije, Marcijan, Agneta, Dina 21 Č Anzelmo, Konrad 22 P Soter i Kajo, Vojmil, Leonida 23 S Juraj, Jure, Đurđica, Đuro, Georg, Adalbert 24 N 5. USKRSNA, Fidel Sigmarigenski, Fidelis, Fides, Vjera 25 P MARKO EV. Grignion, Vital 29 P KATARINA SIJENSKA 30 S Pio V. Nedjelja Dobrog Pastira — Svjetski dan molitve za svećenička i redovnička zvanja 1 N 6. USKRSNA, Josip Radnik, Jeremija, Žigmund 2 P Atanazije, Antonin, Boleslav, Boris 3 U FILIP I JAKOV AP. USKRSNA, Arsen, Amat, Ida, Ulrika Nisch 9 P Izaija, Dionizije, Pahomije, Herma, Beata 10 U Ivan Merz, Gospa Trsatska 11 S Franjo Hieronim, Zvjezdana 12 Č Leopold Bogdan Mandić, Nerej, Ahil 13 P Gospa Fatimska, Servancije, Agneta 14 S MATIJA AP. KROZ GODINU, Euzebije, Ervin, Većeslav 30 P Bazilije, Emilija, Anastazije 31 U POHOD BDM, Petronila, Silvija 1 S Justin, Mladen, Liberije, Slobodan 2 Č Marcelin i Petar, Erazmo, Eugen 3 P PRESVETO SRCE ISUSOVO, Karlo Lwanga i dr. KROZ GODINU, Bonifacije, Bono, Dorotej, Eutih, Franko 6 P Norbert, Artemije, Paulina, Neda 7 U Koloman, Robert, Radoslav, Antun de Fatatis 8 S Fortunat, Vilim 9 Č Efrem, Kolumban, Rikard 10 P Bogumil, Dijana, Biserka 11 S Barnaba ap. KROZ GODINU, Bazilid, Onofrije, Leon, Lav, Eshil, Placid 13 P Antun Padovanski, Ante, Antonija 14 U Rufin, Valerije, Zdravko, Zdravka, Elizej 15 S Amos, Vid, Vito, Toma, Germana 16 Č Auro, Zlatko, Zlata, Aurelije, Beno 17 P Diogen, Inocent, Rajner, Petar, Laura 18 S Marko i Marcelijan, Paula, Amando 19 N 12. KROZ GODINU, Romuldo, Gervazije, Protazije 20 P Margareta, Naum Ohridski, Florencija 21 U Alojzije Gonzaga, Alojzija, Lojzika, Vjekoslav 22 S Paulin N. KROZ GODINU, Ivan i Pavao, Virgilije, Zoran, Deodat 27 P Robert, Radoslav, Ćiril Aleksandrijski 28 U Irenej, Fortunat, Vilim 29 S PETAR I PAVAO AP. N KROZ GODINU, TOMA ap. KROZ GODINU, Feliks, Filip, Rufina, Viktorija 11 P BENEDIKT OPAT, Pio, Placid, Olga, Budimir 12 U Proklo, Hilarije, Fortunat, Mohor, Živko 13 S Gospa Bistrička, Henrik 14 Č Kamilo de Lellis, Angelina, Gašpar 15 P Bonaventura, Bono, Dobroslav, Vladimir 16 S Gospa Karmelska, Karmela, Karmelo 17 N 16. KROZ GODINU, Nadan, Hijacint, Justa, Rufina, Marcelina 18 P Emilije, Emilija, Ljuba, Teodozija, Bruno 19 U Makrina, Simah, Aura, Zora, Zlatka, Zlata 20 S Ilija Tišbijac, Apolinar 21 Č Lovro Brindiški, Danijel pr. KROZ GODINU, Kristina, Eufrazija, Boris, Ljudevita 25 P JAKOV ap. KROZ GODINU, Ignacije Lojolski, Vatroslav, Fabije, Ognjen 9. Marija Propetoga Isusa Petković, zaštitnica misija u BiH 20. Ilija Tišbijac, zaštitnik BiH 1 P Alfonz Liguori, Jonatan 2 U Gospa od Anđela, Euzebije, Petar Juliani, Stjepan I. KROZ GODINU, Siksto II. KROZ GODINU, Maksimilijan Marija Kolbe, Kova, Koviljka 15 P UZNESENJE BDM - VELIKA GOSPA 16 U Stjepan Ugarski, Rok, Roko, Krunoslav, Kruno 17 S Miron, Klara, Natalija 18 Č Jelena Križarica, Jelka, Jela, Helena, Leonardo 19 P Ivan Eudes, Magna, Timotej, Ratko, Jordan 20 S Bernard, Samuel pr. KROZ GODINU, Pio X. KROZ GODINU, Augustin, August, Tin, Pelagije, Vivian, Živko 29 P Mučeništvo sv. Ivana Krstitelja, Ivan, Bazila 30 U Petar, Margarita, Didak 31 S Josip iz Arimateje, Nikodem, Aristid 1 Č Jošua, Siksto, Terencije, Verena, Viktor 2 P Prosper, Just, Ingrid 3 S Grgur Veliki, Grga, Gregor, Gordana 4 N 23. KROZ GODINU, Mojsije, Marin, Bonifacije I. KROZ GODINU, Adelfo, Gašpar, Bonaventura 12 P Ime Marijino, Mirjam, Gvido 13 U Ivan Zlatousti, Zlatko, Amat, Ljubo, Ljuba 14 S UZVIŠENJE SVETOG KRIŽA, Višeslav, Slavko 15 Č Žalosna Gospa, Dolores, Valerije, Valerija 16 P Kornelije i Ciprijan, Eufemija, Ljudmila 17 S Robert Bellarmino, Robert, Lambert 18 N 25. KROZ GODINU, Josip Kupertinski, Ariadna, Senarijen 19 P Januarije, Eustahije, Teodor 20 U Andrija Kim Taegōn i dr. KROZ GODINU, Kleofa, Firmin, Tvrtko 26 P Kuzma i Damjan, Damjana, Gideon, Kresencija 27 U Vinko Paulski, Vincent, Vinka, Gaj 28 S Vjenceslav, Većeslav, Lovro Ruiz 29 Č MIHAEL, GABRIJEL, RAFAEL, ARKANĐELI 30 P Jeronim, Jerko, Jerka, Grgur, Časlav 1 S Terezija od Djeteta Isusa, Tereza 2 N 27. KROZ GODINU, Anđeli Čuvari, Anđeo, Anđelko, Anđela 3 P Dionizije, Areopagita, Kandida, Svjetlana 4 U Franjo Asiški, Franka, Franciska 5 S Mauro, Placid, Miodrag, Faustina K. KROZ GODINU, Dionizije, Ivan Leonardi, Abraham-patrijarh 10 P Danijel, Samuel, Hugolin, Angela 11 U Filip, Andronik, Gaudencije 12 S Maksimilijan, Makso, Velibor, Serafin 13 Č Teofil, Bogoljub, Romul, Venancije 14 P Kalist I. KROZ GODINU, Hedviga, Marija Margarita Alacoque 17 P Ignacije Antiohijski, Vatroslav, Vatro 18 U LUKA EV. KROZ GODINU, Misijska nedjelja; Ivan Kapistran, Severin 24 P Antun M. Claret, Proklo Carigradski 25 U Katarina Kotromanić, Krizant, Darija, Krispin 26 S Dimitrije Srijemski, Lucijan, Marcijan 27 Č Namat, Bartol, Bartolomej, Bare, Flor, Florijan 28 P ŠIMUN I JUDA TADEJ AP. KROZ GODINU, Marcijan, Marcel, Marsela, Klaudije, Gerard 31 P Wolfgang, Vuk, Vukmir, Kristofor 23. Svjetski dan misija - Misijska nedjelja 1 U SVI SVETI 2 S Dušni dan 3 Č Martin iz Porresa, Silvija, Berard, Ida 4 P Karlo Boromejski, Dragutin, Drago, Dragica 5 S Srijemski mučenici, Elizabeta, Emerik 6 N 32. KROZ GODINU, Melanija, Leonard pustinjak, Teobald, Kristina 7 P Baldo, Lazar Stilita, Engelbert, Anđelko 8 U Gracija Kotorski, Klaudije, Nikostrat 9 S POSVETA LATERANSKE BAZILIKE, Vitomir 10 Č Leon Veliki, Lavoslav, Lav, Demetrije 11 P Martin Tourski, Martina 12 S Jozafat, Kunibert, Didak 13 N 33. KROZ GODINU, Stanislav Kostka, Mitar, Ivan Trogirski 14 P Nikola Tavelić, Nikolina, Nikoleta 15 U Albert Veliki, Albertina, Sidonija 16 S Margareta Škotska, Gertruda, Gera 17 Č Elizabeta Ugarska, Alfej i Zakej 18 P Posveta bazilike sv. Petra i Pavla, Roman 19 S Obadija pr. DOŠAŠĆA, Fakundo, Virgil, Maksim, Valerije 28 P Jakov Markijski 29 U Saturnin, Filomen, Iluminata 30 S ANDRIJA AP. DOŠAŠĆA, Ivan Damašćanski, Barbara, Adolf Kolping 5 P Krispina, Saba 6 U Nikola biskup, Nikša, Nikica 7 S Ambrozije, Ambroz, Sabina, Urban 8 Č BEZGRJEŠNO ZAČEĆE BDM, Imakulata 9 P Valerija, Zdravka, Ciprijan 10 S Gospa Loretska, Julija 11 N 3. Franjo Ksaverski, zaštitnik misija 11.

KALENDAR 01. 01.
KROZ GODINU, Anđeli Čuvari, Anđeo, Anđelko, Anđela 3 P Dionizije, Areopagita, Kandida, Svjetlana 4 U Franjo Asiški, Franka, Franciska 5 S Mauro, Placid, Miodrag, Faustina K. KROZ GODINU, Bazilid, Onofrije, Leon, Lav, Eshil, Placid 13 P Antun Padovanski, Ante, Antonija 14 U Rufin, Valerije, Zdravko, Zdravka, Elizej 15 S Amos, Vid, Vito, Toma, Germana 16 Č Auro, Zlatko, Zlata, Aurelije, Beno 17 P Diogen, Inocent, Rajner, Petar, Laura 18 S Marko i Marcelijan, Paula, Amando 19 N 12. Grignion, Vital 29 P KATARINA SIJENSKA 30 S Pio V. KROZ GODINU, Romuldo, Gervazije, Protazije 20 P Margareta, Naum Ohridski, Florencija 21 U Alojzije Gonzaga, Alojzija, Lojzika, Vjekoslav 22 S Paulin N. Pošto јe greška kasniјe uočena, imperator Avgust јe naredio da se izbace sve prestupne godine između 9. KROZ GODINU, Hedviga, Marija Margarita Alacoque 17 P Ignacije Antiohijski, Vatroslav, Vatro 18 U LUKA EV. Svjetski dan misija - Misijska nedjelja 1 U SVI SVETI 2 S Dušni dan 3 Č Martin iz Porresa, Silvija, Berard, Ida 4 P Karlo Boromejski, Dragutin, Drago, Dragica 5 S Srijemski mučenici, Elizabeta, Emerik 6 N 32. Сухоједење — означава строги пост на сувој, свежој, сировој храни. PAVLA, Ananija, Henrik 26 U Timotej i Tit 27 S Anđela Merici, Anđelka, Julijan, Vital 28 Č Toma Akvinski, Tomislav, Tomo, Leonid 29 P Valerije, Konstancije, Zdeslav, Akvilin 30 S Martina, Tina, Hijacinta, Gordana, Darinka 31 N 4. Dan posvećenog života 10.

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Elmaz hrvatska

Results for keyword: upoznavanje hr

❤️ Click here: Elmaz hrvatska

The most important lakes are , and. Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In the middle of July 1995, more than 8,000 Muslim , mainly men and boys, in and around the town of , were killed in what became known as the. In a July 2014 interview for Press, claimed that he, Goran Marić, and Sonja Karadžić daughter of came up with the name Srpska as requested of them by Velibor Ostojić, then-Minister of Information of the entity.

Results for keyword: upoznavanje hr - The Union of Reform Forces soon ceased to exist but its members remained in the assembly as the. Zadovoljni ste poslovnim stanjem.

The entities are largely autonomous. The territory of what is Republika Srpska was first inhabited by several Illyrian and Celtic civilizations during the. After centuries of and rule, it became part of the in 1918 following , which was renamed to Yugoslavia in 1929. Following , it became part of the in 1945 as part of the. The creation of the modern Republika Srpska in 1991 was from six during the. It became an internationally recognized subject within the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1995. Since the end of the war and the implementation of the , Republika Srpska maintains its unicameral parliamentary system and maintains a free economy similar to the rest of the country. The second word is a derived by adding the suffix -ska to srb-, the root of the noun Srbin, meaning. The -ps- sequence rather than -bs- is a result of. Although the name Republika Srpska is sometimes as Serb Republic or Bosnian Serb Republic, and the uses the semi- term Republic of Srpska in of official documents, the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina originally written in English, as well as western news sources such as the BBC, , and generally refer to the entity as the Republika Srpska. In a July 2014 interview for Press, claimed that he, Goran Marić, and Sonja Karadžić daughter of came up with the name Srpska as requested of them by Velibor Ostojić, then-Minister of Information of the entity. The memorandum was adopted despite opposition from 83 Serb deputies belonging to the most of the Serb parliamentary representatives as well as the and the , who regarded the move as illegal. On 24 October 1991, the Serb deputies formed the Skupština srpskog naroda u Bosni i Hercegovini to be the highest representative and legislative body of the population, ending the tripartite coalition. The Union of Reform Forces soon ceased to exist but its members remained in the assembly as the. The assembly undertook to address the achievement of equality between the Serbs and other peoples and the protection of the Serbs' interests, which they contended had been jeopardized by decisions of the Bosnian parliament. On 9 January 1992, the assembly proclaimed the Republic of the Serb People of Bosnia and Herzegovina Republika srpskog naroda Bosne i Hercegovine , declaring it part of Yugoslavia. On 28 February 1992, the assembly adopted the the name adopted instead of the previous Republika srpskog naroda Bosne i Hercegovine , which would include districts, municipalities, and regions where Serbs were the majority and also those where they had allegedly become a minority because of. The republic was part of Yugoslavia and could enter into union with political bodies representing other peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Bosnian parliament, without its Serb deputies, held a on the independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 29 February and 1 March 1992, but most Serbs boycotted it since the assembly had previously 9—10 November 1991 held a in the Serb regions, 96% having opted for membership of the Yugoslav federation formed by and. The referendum had a 64% turnout and 92. On 6 March the Bosnian parliament promulgated the results of the referendum, proclaiming the republic's independence from Yugoslavia. The republic's independence was recognized by the on 6 April 1992 and by the United States on 7 April. On the same day the Serbs' assembly in session in Banja Luka declared a severance of governmental ties with Bosnia and Herzegovina. The name Republika Srpska was adopted on 12 August 1992. The political controversy escalated into the , which would last until the autumn of 1995. The war was ended by the , reached at near , on 21 November and formally signed in Paris on 14 December 1995. Annex 4 of the Agreement is the current , recognising Republika Srpska as one of its two main and defining the governmental functions and powers of the two entities. The between the entities were delineated in Annex 2 of the Agreement. Between 1992 and 2008, the Constitution of Republika Srpska was amended 121 times. Article 1 states that Republika Srpska is a territorially unified, indivisible and inalienable constitutional and legal entity that shall independently perform its constitutional, legislative, executive, and judicial functions. Impact of war in Srebrenica, 1996 The resulted in major changes in the country, some of which were quantified in a 1998 report. Some two million people, about half the country's population, were displaced. In 1996 there were some 435,346 ethnic Serb refugees from the Federation in Republika Srpska, while another 197,925 had gone to Serbia. In 1991, 27% of the non-agricultural labor force was unemployed in Bosnia and this number increased due to the war. By 2009, the unemployment rate in Bosnia and Herzegovina was estimated at 29%, according to the 's. Republika Srpska's population of Serbs had increased by 547,741 due to the influx of ethnic Serb refugees from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the former unrecognised state of the in the new. In Eastern Bosnia, Bosnian Serbs besieged the town of Srebrenica, among others. In the middle of July 1995, more than 8,000 Muslim , mainly men and boys, in and around the town of , were killed in what became known as the. The number of Croats was reduced by 135,386 the majority of the pre-war population , and the number of Bosniaks by some 434,144. Some 136,000 of approximately 496,000 Bosniak refugees forced to flee the territory of what is now Republika Srpska have since returned home. As of 2008 , 40% of Bosniaks and 8. In the early 2000s, discrimination against non-Serbs was alleged by NGOs and the. The reported in 2002 that in some parts of Republika Srpska a non-Serb returnee is ten times more likely to be the victim of violent crime than is a local Serb. Non-Serbs have reported continuing difficulties in returning to their original homes and the assembly has a poor record of cooperation in apprehending individuals indicted for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. Organizations such as the , reporting to the in 2008, have made claims of discrimination against non-Serb refugees in the Republika Srpska, particularly areas with high unemployment in the Drina Valley such as , , , and. According to the Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina, , , and other international organizations, security in both Republika Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is at present satisfactory, although some minor threats, real or perceived, can still influence the decision of individuals as to whether they will return to their pre-war addresses or not. Boundary The IEBL between Bosnia and Herzegovina's two entities essentially follows the front lines at the end of the with adjustments most importantly in the western part of the country and around Sarajevo defined by the. The total length of the IEBL is approximately 1,080 km. The IEBL is an administrative demarcation uncontrolled by military or police and there is free movement across it. After the Dayton Peace Agreement the law was amended to reflect changes to borders: it now comprises 63 municipalities. Mountains in Republika Srpska include , , , , and. The highest point of the entity is peak at 2,386 m, near the border with. Hydrology Most rivers belong to the drainage basin. The principal rivers are the , a tributary of the that forms the northern boundary with ; the , , and , which flow north and empty into the Sava; the , which flows north, forms part of the eastern boundary with , and is also a tributary of the Sava. It belongs drainage basin. The most important lakes are , and. See also: The first post-war census was the , earlier figures are estimates. Population composition Year Total Males Females Births Deaths 1996 1,391,593 12,263 10,931 1997 1,409,835 13,757 11,755 1998 1,428,798 679,795 749,003 13,527 12,469 1999 1,448,579 689,186 759,351 2000 1,469,182 14,191 13,370 2000 1,428,899 695,194 733,705 2001 1,490,993 13,699 13,434 2001 1,447,477 704,197 743,280 2002 1,454,802 708,136 746,666 12,336 12,980 2003 1,452,351 706,925 745,426 10,537 12,988 2004 1,449,897 705,731 744,166 10,628 13,082 2005 1,446,417 704,037 742,380 10,322 13,802 2006 1,443,709 702,718 740,991 10,524 13,232 2007 1,439,673 700,754 738,919 10,110 14,146 2008 1,437,477 699,685 737,792 10,198 13,501 2009 1,435,179 698,567 736,612 10,603 13,775 2010 1,433,038 697,524 735,514 10,147 13,517 2011 1,429,668 695,884 733,784 9,561 13,658 2012 1,425,571 9,978 13,796 2013 1,326,991 603,027 625,396 9,510 13,978 Ethnic composition Ethnic Composition, 1991 Year Serbs % % Croats % Yugoslavs % Others % Total 1991 869,854 55. The first row reflects the total population present in Republika Srpska, while the second row includes additional people who live and work abroad. Main article: The currency of Republika Srpska is the KM. It takes a minimum of 23 days to register a business there. As of September 2012, the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, has signed an agreement with the Russian company to build a part of the South Stream pipeline network and two gas power plants in the entity. External trade of Republika Srpska mil. The 10% rate of capital gains tax and income tax are among the lowest in Europe and could theoretically stimulate foreign investment, and there are no limits on the amount of earnings. These tax advantages have led to some companies moving their business to RS from the other entity. Government headquarter of the Republika Srpska in According to , Republika Srpska has its own president, people's assembly the 83-member unicameral , executive government with a prime minister and several ministries , its own police force, supreme court and lower courts, customs service under the state-level customs service , and a postal service. It also has its symbols, including coat of arms, flag a variant of the without the coat of arms displayed and entity anthem. According to the Constitutional Court's decision, the Law was to be corrected by September 2006. Republika Srpska later changed its emblem. Although the constitution names as the capital of Republika Srpska, the northwestern city of is the headquarters of most of the institutions of government, including the parliament, and is therefore the de facto capital. After the war, Republika Srpska retained its army, but in August 2005, the parliament consented to transfer control of to a state-level ministry and abolish the entity's defense ministry and army by 1 January 2006. These reforms were required by as a precondition of Bosnia and Herzegovina's admission to the programme. Bosnia and Herzegovina joined the programme in December 2006. External relations Representative offices of the Republika Srpska worldwide. In February 2009, Republika Srpska opened a representative office in. While representatives were not present at the ceremony, top Republika Srpska officials attended the event, saying it would advance their economic, political and cultural relations with the EU. This notion has been strongly condemned by Bosniak leaders, saying that this is further proof of Republika Srpska distancing itself from. The president of Republika Srpska, , told reporters that this move did not jeopardise Republika Srpska's place within. Republika Srpska maintains official offices in , , , , , , , and. According to the Law on Holidays of Republika Srpska, public holidays are divided into three categories: entity's holidays, religious holidays, and holidays which are marked but do not include time off work. The entity holidays include New Year's Day 1 January , Entity Day 9 January , 1 May , 9 May and Day of the 21 November. Religious holidays include Christmas and Easter according to both the and the for, respectively, and Roman Catholics, as well as and for Muslims. Holidays which are marked but do not include time off work include School Day the Feast of , 27 January , Day of the 12 May , Interior Ministry Day 4 April , and Day of the 14 February. The most important of the entity holidays is Dan Republike, which commemorates the establishment of Republika Srpska on 9 January 1992. It coincides with according to the Julian calendar. The Orthodox Serbs also refer to the holiday as the of Republika Srpska, as they regard as the of Republika Srpska. The holiday has therefore a religious dimension, being celebrated with special services in Serbian Orthodox churches. Republika Srpska does not recognize the Independence Day of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 March. The second of two public universities in Republika Srpska is. After the end of the several private institutions of higher education were established, including: , and. The is the highest representative institution in the Republika Srpska of science and art founded in 1996. The Museum of Contemporary Art MSURS houses a collection of Yugoslav and international art and is located in Banja Luka. Retrieved 30 June 2016. Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Office of the High Representative. Archived from on 18 January 2012. Retrieved 3 June 2010. Retrieved 14 April 2013. Retrieved 5 January 2017. Retrieved 29 August 2010. Retrieved 22 May 2010. Retrieved 22 May 2010. The New York Times. Retrieved 22 May 2010. Retrieved 22 May 2010. Archived from on 23 July 2014. Retrieved 8 April 2015. Retrieved 8 April 2015. Official Gazette of the Serb People in Bosnia and Herzegovina in Serbian. Retrieved 29 August 2010. Official Gazette of the Serb People in Bosnia and Herzegovina in Serbian. Official Gazette of the Serb People in Bosnia and Herzegovina in Serbian. Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Preliminary Objections, Judgment, I. Reports 1996 : The Registry of the : pp. The Balkans: A Post-Communist History 2007, New York: Routledge , p. Retrieved 29 August 2010. Official Gazette of the Republika Srpska in Serbian. Retrieved 18 August 2009. Retrieved 28 May 2015. The Constitutional Court of Republika Srpska. Archived from on 6 April 2009. Retrieved 28 October 2015. Retrieved 10 January 2009. Retrieved 13 July 2015. Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina mhrr. Archived from on 19 April 2009. Retrieved 4 January 2010. Retrieved 4 January 2010. Archived from on 11 May 2015. Retrieved 8 April 2015. Society for Threatened Peoples. Retrieved 13 May 2017. Banja Luka: Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics. Archived from PDF on 1 April 2010. Retrieved 5 July 2010. Archived from PDF on 22 June 2011. Retrieved 7 October 2010. Retrieved 4 January 2018. Retrieved 17 June 2007. Archived from on 26 April 2012. Retrieved 4 January 2018. Retrieved 4 January 2018. Retrieved 19 April 2007. Archived from on 21 May 2007. Retrieved 17 June 2007. Retrieved 4 January 2018. Retrieved 4 January 2018. Archived from on 11 June 2009. Retrieved 10 April 2009. Retrieved 10 April 2009.

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Archived from on 18 January 2012. Retrieved 8 April 2015. Organizations such as the , reporting to the in 2008, have made claims of discrimination against non-Serb refugees in the Republika Srpska, particularly areas with high unemployment in the Drina Valley such as , , , and. As of 2008 , 40% of Bosniaks and 8. Nove odluke će vam biti veoma značajne. Official Gazette of the Serb People in Bosnia and Herzegovina in Serbian. Naš dubina puzati oko 5 stranica, u prosjeku Organic natjecanje temelji se na organskim rezultatima pretraživanja smo prikupili podatke o 14,475,841 konkurentima Oglasne jedinice 5,869 se ukupan broj oglasnih jedinica konkurenti oglasa temelji se na 5,869 oglasne jedinice smo prikupili podatke o 2,521 natječu web stranice. Sve vam ide od ruke.

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